captured in nostalgia

Why is it that sometimes we feel such a great sense of nostalgia for things that aren't really even ours, but that we were a tiny part of? Is it that we recall a sense of ourselves as we were and all the people that belonged in that time in our lives? Maybe it's a bit of a surprise or a yearning to return to that past self that we once were. Regardless, I wonder where it is those feelings go. It's a feeling that belongs not to a moment of time, but to the combination of events that in one way or another shaped who are are now.

Funny how papers sitting at a desk for a year can do that to you. It makes you realize how much really can change in a year. How fleeting time is. How we forget that we have an influence on the present and what it may feel like when we reflect back on it.

You flip through the papers filled with hand written dreams and realize that these souls that once were might not really be here anymore. They've gone off to do more things, meet new people, study harder subjects, and continue on their path through life. Does this realization help us to not take for granted the people around us as they are now? As well as ourselves. Who we are today and who other people are at this moment are fleeting, changeable, malleable, by the events that they and we will come to experience.

So as we read the dreams from a time long, but not too too long passed, we wonder and hope and listen to the present moment. Enjoying the tiny gestures that bring a smile to our face and warm our hearts to the point of tears at the fleetingness of what's happening now. Still, no matter how silly we may feel for letting simple moments bring tears to our eyes, there is something in the gesture, in the realization of it all. It's comforting to know, that the past, no matter how far away it seems, no matter how buried deep the memories may be, walks hand in hand with the selves that we once were, and watches over us as we continue to live.

Dream recaps: Running with white wolves, stunning sunsets, RPGs,
tricksters disguised as helpers, dearests meeting.    


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