Changing habits to effortlessness
Hello dear blog readers,
Today marks the day that I'm taking on a new challenge for myself, the one in which I try writing every day, well every work day at least - I haven't decided quite yet.
The past few years I've picked up the habit of audiobooking lots of self improvement and other books (from the digital library, I love libraries <3) and undergoing an experiment on myself to try some of the things that are mentioned and taught in these books to see how applicable they are to my life and how they might help me change for the better and get closer to the person I want to be.
This year especially I feel like I've gotten quite a few insights that have helped me make the shift from days passing by without my awareness nor memory of what I've done and where the time has gone.
You can probably tell by the inconsistency of this blog, how often I've tried and failed to set the challenge for myself to write. Hopefully that changes today.
The latest book I've finished on my list of reads is called Effortless: Make it easier to do what matters most by Greg McKeown
One of the takeaways - slow but steady output/work consistently with self imposed minimums and maximums. I'm not sure how many words I've written already, let's check, gah it'd be nice if there was a word count button on here - 242 - okay hmmmmm I think I will set 100 words as my lower limit and 500 as my upper limit for now. It is the end of the work day and I'm typing furiously to publish this before I leave for the weekend, so there you have it. My first day of my writing challenge complete! Hope there aren't any typosssss!
I'll save more details for next time. ^-^
bee kisses,
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