Recap Malaysia Travel 2011


Mandy on said:
Instructor Mandy here reporting from Los Angeles International airport. It’s settled. Cathay Pacific Airlines is awesome! They have electronic check-in kiosks right in the front of the LAX departure entrance, so we got to skip the line and it only took us a few minutes to get our boarding passes. Yay! The downside though, is that even though we saved all this time, our layover is about 4 hours and lookie lookie, the free public wi-fi fails, so no internet. This report will have to reach you in about 15 hours once we reach Hong Kong where I’m confident that their wi-fi does work. Another downer to the LA airport is that you can’t just walk through it to get to the international departures area. Instead, you have to get out of the domestic airport and track down a shuttle to get you to the airline gate that you’re looking for. I had an interesting time with this because the shuttle bus we were on began to get crowded, and during that time I got hit in the face by a backpack (though I don’t think the guy meant to do that), and then had no choice but to back up and squish myself onto a shelf rack thing that is normally reserved for luggage. While taking a backpack to the face wasn’t the most pleasant thing ever, taking a bus ride sitting on a luggage rack was actually kinda fun and provided an interesting perspective on the everyday life of a suitcase. Backtracking some more, I just have to mention how exhilarating it is when your plane start to move just before speeding up and then taking-off. During these moments, the words “and so the journey begins” comes to mind, and while a bit cheezy still gives off a definite sense of excitement. So there you have it, I’ve begun my escapade to Malaysia (total time with layovers about 24 hours).
So now I’m wondering where all of you have been. What are some places that you’ve gone, and where was your favorite place to visit and why? And if you haven’t traveled much yet, where would you like to go and why do want to go there?
P.S. I am proud to report that those of you who I worked with on kicks this past Thursday have improved on your kicking power. I say this because my arms are now feeling sore from holding the kicking pad XD Everyone keep up the good work and train hard!

Mandy on said:
Hi again! Sorry that it’s been so long since I last posted. It’s been a mix of procrastination and lack of internet connection.
So now that I’ve been in Malaysia for about a week, I have lots to tell you all. Let’s begin where we left off. The fifteen hour flight. So, how did I entertain myself on the long flight? Well another plus to Cathay Pacific is that their seats are equip with mini video screens and controllers for watching movies, playing video games, listening to music, and the like.
So now it’s time for a movie review!
First up is The King’s Speech: Interesting, but not all that spectacular. Also probably not the first choice of movie to watch for kids your age.
Next, Tangled: My favorite of the newer Disney movies, it’s filled with a nice balance between action, music, and comedy. It’s definitely one of those movies that you don’t mind watching over and over again. The horse and chameleon are hilarious! It’s an all around good movie that I highly recommend seeing if you haven’t already. This was my second time watching it and I almost laughed out loud on the plane, but stopped myself so that I wouldn’t bother the other passengers. XD
Lastly, (though I did also watch a couple of documentaries, one about Japanese food and the other about Malaysian government) is an epic movie guest starring Jackie Chan, Shaolin: This movie is one to watch when your all a bit older as well because it is very violent, so make sure to ask your parents before watching it too. Filled with action, wisdom, and a plot that moves you through a wide arrange of emotions, this movie gives some insight into the practice of martial arts in the olden days. It’s filled with philosophical insights like, “A fearless heart is free of desire. A kind heart finds peace everywhere.” among other eloquently stated lessons about life. Simply put, it’s an excellent movie. Oh and a handy tip that can be taken both from this movie and Tangled: frying pans make excellent weapons.
Aside from taking a few basic lessons in Malay, Cantonese, and Japanese during the plane ride via a language lesson program under the games section, I basically ate and slept. :)
This time I’m wondering what language(s) you all are interested in learning/are currently learning and what are your motivations behind studying the(se) language(s)?

Mandy on said:
*Oops sorry I meant to italicize the names of the movies…


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