Insight on the life of a make-up artist

This morning started with very yummy dim sum. I forgot my camera yet again, so I can't show you the roasted duck ;), shark fin soup or the desserts I had, but they were scrumptious! Later on, I accompanied my Aunty Mecia to a small fashion show at an organic cafe after snacking on watermelon juice and tiramisu. I actually never saw the show, but I watched the make-up artists work and gained some knowledge about the many things that they have to take into consideration.

Perhaps these are obvious things to learn, but I found it fascinating how the different colored creams and powders blend together on a person's face, how the type of outfit the model is wearing plays a role, how many types of long/thick fake eyelashes there are to choose from, how temperature affects make-up, and much more. Public relations is also a major part of the cut-throat fashion industry where it could make or break your career as a make-up artist. I also never realized how many different options there are to choose from, based on clientele as well as type of work.

Yes, very interesting...don't get me wrong, you won't be seeing me wearing make-up anytime soon, but having another skill-set wouldn't hurt. We'll see how the classes go at my Aunty's studio. Now I just have to find a hok-san lion dance troupe to practice with and I'll be all set and busy especially once school starts. Hmm I also need to go visit my grandparents in kampong. I'll have to call mak-chik soon.

Recap: School app fee paid, hair-cut, sleepzezzz, dim-sum, more food, observations, food, nap, food, movie.

Dreams: One with a lady selling high-top tables? Riding my bike to lion-dance practice, it breaking, trying to get a ride back home, something about a train, and pokemon toys. Drum major uncharacteristically getting upset while we're having a pep band jam-out session on a field-trip and a strange game about beaming ghosts in little houses moving around not attacking kids.

P.S. I'm starting to think that scientists are wrong about the whole REM and non-REM dream theory, unless I keep just happening to wake up during REM sleep. Maybe the act of waking helps us to remember the most recent dreams.


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