Mostly Lost in Other Worlds
Today I went to my Aunty's studio again, but I didn't learn any more techniques since there was an even number of students. The way the classes work is that students pair up and take turns putting make-up on each other based on what's assigned or what's taught that day. I was actually a bit relieved cuz I feel bad wasting other peoples' make-up and I still don't want people to put stuff on my face :P So what did I do all day? Well, I just so happened to have the foresight to bring a book along with me, so I got through a good chunk of The Mirror of Her Dreams by Stephen R. Donaldson. It is the first of a two part series and was recommended to me by another one of my Aunties who let me borrow her books. I brought the second book with me too, so I'll be reading it soon.
For a snack I had ABC again and some cream buns and a dan tat (egg tart) that we got at a restaurant called Pappa Rich, which is apparently a chain that sells local food. On the walk there, I couldn't help but notice that I've become accustomed to the humidity, and the heat felt comforting somehow. Later, when we went to the pasar malam near the studio, I bought some rojak and 1 honey and 1 garlic Taiwanese sausage and a asam boi drink. I also got some clothes and was supa happy to get this cute white top for only RM 15. ^.^ getting good deals on stuff is amazing!
After the classes were over (about 11pm) we went to watch my Aunty's friend perform "Because of You" for a karaoke contest. She did pretty well, but I heard she's sung it better before. I guess her nerves might have gotten to her since this was her first time entering a singing competition. I think that was my first time in a pub? I was kinda paranoid about getting stepped on by high-heels >.< but that didn't happen. When we got home, I found an unexpected supper of satay waiting for me. I also drank red bean soup with it =^.^= I love red bean! I also got my 2nd and possibly 3rd bug-bite on my left leg :( Overall, it was a pretty mellow day.
Recap: Chicken rice breakfast, fantastic adventures, menu hug, bargain fail, forgotten dream pop-ups, eardrum damage, fashion fitting, ridiculous pearl sister drama.
Dreams: Some parts escape me, going into a church (odd) for a family friend get together where it's snowing outside, double car shopping? Oh! a new Malaysian restaurant in town, eavesdropping on a potential historian creeper. Okay...
For a snack I had ABC again and some cream buns and a dan tat (egg tart) that we got at a restaurant called Pappa Rich, which is apparently a chain that sells local food. On the walk there, I couldn't help but notice that I've become accustomed to the humidity, and the heat felt comforting somehow. Later, when we went to the pasar malam near the studio, I bought some rojak and 1 honey and 1 garlic Taiwanese sausage and a asam boi drink. I also got some clothes and was supa happy to get this cute white top for only RM 15. ^.^ getting good deals on stuff is amazing!
Recap: Chicken rice breakfast, fantastic adventures, menu hug, bargain fail, forgotten dream pop-ups, eardrum damage, fashion fitting, ridiculous pearl sister drama.
Dreams: Some parts escape me, going into a church (odd) for a family friend get together where it's snowing outside, double car shopping? Oh! a new Malaysian restaurant in town, eavesdropping on a potential historian creeper. Okay...
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