Nowadays (Imadoki)
Hmmm...this is a problem. I kinda can't remember what I've been doing these past couple of days, even though it hasn't really been much. Hahaha good thing I keep a blog. Oh wait...haha well I guess we can backtrack, let's see...okay I remember now. So 2 days ago? I had orientation at school ahh! I have school in 2 days >.< and I met a couple of people. The first was a girl that's from Malaysia and the other two boys, one from Uganda and one from Sudan. But of course, I don't remember any of their names. Sorry ah. One of the conversations that I thought was kinda funny went something like this:
"Oh, so where are you from?"
"I'm from Sudan."
"Oh cool!"
"No not cool. It's very hot there. Malaysia is cold compared to there."
Oops, language misunderstanding. For a second there, I was really scared that I had offended him. He also told me that my name sounds like the Arabic word for a plate of meat and rice hehe how fitting. Anyway, the orientation was mostly for students that would be attending the school long term. Ironically it mostly talked about the steps that need to be taken in order to be accepted to a school in the U.S., Canada, or Australia. I seriously need to be more grateful to fate and my birthplace. What else do I take for granted? An infinite amount, I bet. However, at the same time, I also wonder at what price is this circumstance paid? My culture? Hmm I think I'd rather take that, but the grass is always greener right? Uh oh I'm being ungrateful again. Later that night, to my delight, my Aunty brought groceries home and I helped her cook garlic bread, linguine with a mushroom alfredo sauce, my favorite king oyster mushrooms with a garlicy cheese sauce, and Taiwanese sausage. Cutting up everything was supa fun! I haven't cooked in a long long time.

The next day we went to my Aunty's brother's new house/condo/apartment? for a house warming get together. On the way, we bought a giant watermelon and picked up Yi Po. When we got there, I played with a hamtaro named orange. Hehe now I want a hamtaro too. Hmm I wonder if that'll be okay if I get a cat, guess we'll see. Afterwords, I got my little cousin to play the piano and I accompanied her with her 3/4 size? violin.We then watched some of 2012 which got me thinking; if the world does start blowing up on 12/21/12 the question of the whole point of it all sorta becomes kinda important. My personal opinion though, is that everything will keep going on like normal. Just cuz the Mayan calender resets, I don't think that the world itself will reset, but continue as the clock begins again. However, since 2012 has many people hyped up about it, it's possible that some countries with WMD might use it as an excuse to blow stuff up. In any case, live life to the fullest right? Never caught the end of the movie cuz we decided to go swimming before it got dark. We went to dinner afterwords.
Saturday consisted of more anime shopping and a cool salmon pepper rice thing that you prepared yourself. I was confused as to where the line started to order food, so I grabbed a tray and sauce since that was what the other people seemed to have, only to be told by the cashier that I wasn't supposed to grab a tray. He took my tray and put the sauce to one side and handed me a new tray with silverware on it and the sauce and some miso soup. I'm still definitely not used to the way service works around here. Once you're done eating you leave all your stuff on the table for someone else to clean up too! Woah...I guess that's kinda cool since it gives people jobs, but I feel bad that others have to pick up after me.
Oh I found out that Saturdays are no plastic bag day for Selangor. That's so amazing! What a great way to reduce the use of plastic bags and get people accustomed to not wasting them. Those who want them have to pay 10 sen/bag. I love this idea! I bet Boulder would be down with it. Haha "down with it" what an odd reversed meaning phrase. Last year, China started a bag tax, joining countries like Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, Uganda, and Vietnam in the fight against plastic bag landfill consumption. Earlier this year,Washington D.C started a 5 cent plastic bag tax and they've dropped their plastic bag use a tremendous amount, San Fransisco banned them all together. Nice start world, now we need to get a more widespread implementation throughout the countries on board.
Sunday consisted of window shopping, watching my cousin get a mohawkish type haircut, starting a new book, and a mousy visiting us during dinner out. I've also gotten a ton more mosquito bites. I think
I have about ten now, which include the ones on my left middle toe, the part where my elbow bends in, and on my forehead T.T
Dreams: A friend suddenly apart of UHL, city car craziness (similar to another dream epiphany), bathroom creepiness, maze to carrabbas date set-up and surveying, pizza tasting, and material evaluation.
There, but unremembered.
Multiple choices with an unknown, but familiar face, therefore fb stalking, food line, time throw-off, and 2 sibling time restorers.
A clearer dream where I was singing in a choir performance which my hs music teacher was in charge of and it was really important, but something was happening before that which made it difficult to get to the performance. Something about work, which involved blood somehow hmm...odd. I was running with the other performers and can't remember who they were. Later on I was participating in a fundraising documenting race contest w/ pictures involved and for some reason I had twice as many locations to visit. 1st one easy, former pepband leader helped me out in passing, 1st location for second set more difficult. Robot, double chef, UHL instructor and pantry, winning 2 out of 3 like in the Shaman King competition. There was a very strange sense of urgency and lots of running around. These dreams reminded me of one I forgot about going to school and finding a parking spot.
Restless sleep, nothing to report.
"Oh, so where are you from?"
"I'm from Sudan."
"Oh cool!"
"No not cool. It's very hot there. Malaysia is cold compared to there."
Oops, language misunderstanding. For a second there, I was really scared that I had offended him. He also told me that my name sounds like the Arabic word for a plate of meat and rice hehe how fitting. Anyway, the orientation was mostly for students that would be attending the school long term. Ironically it mostly talked about the steps that need to be taken in order to be accepted to a school in the U.S., Canada, or Australia. I seriously need to be more grateful to fate and my birthplace. What else do I take for granted? An infinite amount, I bet. However, at the same time, I also wonder at what price is this circumstance paid? My culture? Hmm I think I'd rather take that, but the grass is always greener right? Uh oh I'm being ungrateful again. Later that night, to my delight, my Aunty brought groceries home and I helped her cook garlic bread, linguine with a mushroom alfredo sauce, my favorite king oyster mushrooms with a garlicy cheese sauce, and Taiwanese sausage. Cutting up everything was supa fun! I haven't cooked in a long long time.
The next day we went to my Aunty's brother's new house/condo/apartment? for a house warming get together. On the way, we bought a giant watermelon and picked up Yi Po. When we got there, I played with a hamtaro named orange. Hehe now I want a hamtaro too. Hmm I wonder if that'll be okay if I get a cat, guess we'll see. Afterwords, I got my little cousin to play the piano and I accompanied her with her 3/4 size? violin.We then watched some of 2012 which got me thinking; if the world does start blowing up on 12/21/12 the question of the whole point of it all sorta becomes kinda important. My personal opinion though, is that everything will keep going on like normal. Just cuz the Mayan calender resets, I don't think that the world itself will reset, but continue as the clock begins again. However, since 2012 has many people hyped up about it, it's possible that some countries with WMD might use it as an excuse to blow stuff up. In any case, live life to the fullest right? Never caught the end of the movie cuz we decided to go swimming before it got dark. We went to dinner afterwords.
Oh I found out that Saturdays are no plastic bag day for Selangor. That's so amazing! What a great way to reduce the use of plastic bags and get people accustomed to not wasting them. Those who want them have to pay 10 sen/bag. I love this idea! I bet Boulder would be down with it. Haha "down with it" what an odd reversed meaning phrase. Last year, China started a bag tax, joining countries like Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, Uganda, and Vietnam in the fight against plastic bag landfill consumption. Earlier this year,Washington D.C started a 5 cent plastic bag tax and they've dropped their plastic bag use a tremendous amount, San Fransisco banned them all together. Nice start world, now we need to get a more widespread implementation throughout the countries on board.
Sunday consisted of window shopping, watching my cousin get a mohawkish type haircut, starting a new book, and a mousy visiting us during dinner out. I've also gotten a ton more mosquito bites. I think
I have about ten now, which include the ones on my left middle toe, the part where my elbow bends in, and on my forehead T.T
Dreams: A friend suddenly apart of UHL, city car craziness (similar to another dream epiphany), bathroom creepiness, maze to carrabbas date set-up and surveying, pizza tasting, and material evaluation.
There, but unremembered.
Multiple choices with an unknown, but familiar face, therefore fb stalking, food line, time throw-off, and 2 sibling time restorers.
A clearer dream where I was singing in a choir performance which my hs music teacher was in charge of and it was really important, but something was happening before that which made it difficult to get to the performance. Something about work, which involved blood somehow hmm...odd. I was running with the other performers and can't remember who they were. Later on I was participating in a fundraising documenting race contest w/ pictures involved and for some reason I had twice as many locations to visit. 1st one easy, former pepband leader helped me out in passing, 1st location for second set more difficult. Robot, double chef, UHL instructor and pantry, winning 2 out of 3 like in the Shaman King competition. There was a very strange sense of urgency and lots of running around. These dreams reminded me of one I forgot about going to school and finding a parking spot.
Restless sleep, nothing to report.
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